
8/30 Webinar: Meet the new advanced CivicPay

Springbrook has invested heavily in developing CivicPay into the industry’s premier citizen communications portal that takes simple cashless payments to the next level. This on demand webinar presents in depth look at all the features and functions of today’s advanced Civicpay.

Civicpay enables a local government agency to communicate virtually any citizen facing messages on the portal’s landing page. Agencies can create links to rate schedules, city calendars and water quality reports…our modern solution is fully customizable, secure and mobile enabled.

During this webinar we review all the features of the new portal, including

Our new intuitive, modern design
High level of security
Improved accessibility
Citizen self-service with usage tracking and reporting
Streamlined auto pay enrollment
Batch splitting
One stop shop for support of CivicPay and Bluefin
Sorting filters for finding data

Citizen adoption campaign – and all the support you can expect from Springbrook

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